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This website and its contents are offered for informational, promotional purposes only and is not legal advice. Information on this website may be incomplete or out of date. No representations, testimonials, or endorsements on this web site constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of any legal matter.


The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. The outcome of each legal case depends upon many factors, including the facts of the case, and no attorney can guarantee a positive result in any particular case.

Mueller Christensen LLP and its attorneys make no guarantees, warranties, or predictions about the outcome of your legal case.

We also make no representations that the quality of legal work to be performed is greater than the quality of legal work performed by other lawyers. Our prior results, including successful judgments and settlements, do not guarantee a similar outcome.


No attorney-client relationship is created between you and Mueller Christensen LLP or its attorneys by viewing this website, by completing our online form, or by contacting our attorneys. Only after Mueller Christensen LLP confirms in writing that it has accepted you as a client is an attorney-client relationship formed.


Mueller Christensen LLP's attorneys are admitted to practice in California, as well as some courts in other jurisdictions. The firm’s attorneys have also been admitted pro hac vice in various federal and state courts for the purposes of appearing in court for a particular case.

Where necessary, Mueller Christensen LLP operates with the assistance of local counsel in jurisdictions outside California.