Business + Probate Litigation Attorneys

Solutions over spectacle—grounded in hard work—delivering tangible outcomes in the courtroom.

Contact Us

22431 Antonio Parkway, B160-150
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92866
(213) 533-9736

Areas of Practice

Business Litigation

When facing problems ranging from simple contract disputes to major ownership disputes requiring a jury trial, businesses turn to Mueller Christensen LLP for bespoke guidance and litigation counsel.

Probate and Trust Litigation

Mueller Christensen LLP provides counsel and representation in probate and trust litigation, including challenging wills, trusts, or the actions of trustees, safeguarding clients' interests through trial advocacy and strategic guidance.

Attorney and Accountant Malpractice

Mueller Christensen LLP litigates any disputes that arise between attorneys or accountants and their clients, ranging from fee disputes to claims of malpractice.


Mueller Christensen LLP advise and represent clients on appeals in the above practice areas. 

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